21ST Annual MC Football Golf Outing

Monday, August 19, 2024
10:30 Registration and Bagel Breakfast
12:00 Noon Shotgun Start
Great Prizes throughout the day
5:30pm Cocktails & Dinner Buffet
Location: Picatinny Golf Club at Picatinny Arsenal, 121 Buffington Rd, Dover, NJ 07801
The CGC was founded in 2002 by a group of Morris Catholic alumni to promote the resurgence of the MC Football Program.
Please join us for a terrific day on the links to support the MC Football Program.
Sponsorship/Golf Opportunities: Levels of Support
Crusader Pride Outing Sponsor $3,200
(Includes 4 Golfers, cart, breakfast, dinner; sign at dinner, 4 tee sponsors, game day sponsorship recognition)
All-American Sponsor $1,800
(Includes 2 Golfers, cart, breakfast, dinner; sign at dinner, 1 tee sponsor, game day sponsorship recognition)
Game Day Sponsor $500
(Includes single game broadcast advertisement on Morris Sussex Sports Network,
game day sponsorship recognition, listing on CGC website, and sign at sponsored venue)
Tee/Green Sponsor $100
(Includes sign at sponsored venue)
Golf - $200/ per golfer
Includes 1 Golfer, cart, breakfast and dinner
Dinner Only $100
Includes dinner for 1 non-golfer
Friends of Morris Catholic Football
I can't attend but I would like to make a contribution to support the CGC and/or the Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser .
All are welcome, including Morris Catholic alumni, parents, friends, family and colleagues.
We greatly appreciate all business and family sponsorships, as well as direct cash contributions and donations to our dinner auction. In past years, individuals have donated sports memorabilia, game tickets, gift certificates and other
items in order to contribute to the success of our auction.
Every dollar raised at the outing will be used solely for the benefit of the MC Football Program.
Sponsorship Options: Register first below and then select sponsor button to donate.
Monday, August 19, 2024
10:30 Registration and Bagel Breakfast
12:00 Noon Shotgun Start
Great Prizes throughout the day
5:30pm Cocktails & Dinner Buffet
Location: Picatinny Golf Club at Picatinny Arsenal, 121 Buffington Rd, Dover, NJ 07801
The CGC was founded in 2002 by a group of Morris Catholic alumni to promote the resurgence of the MC Football Program.
Please join us for a terrific day on the links to support the MC Football Program.
Sponsorship/Golf Opportunities: Levels of Support
Crusader Pride Outing Sponsor $3,200
(Includes 4 Golfers, cart, breakfast, dinner; sign at dinner, 4 tee sponsors, game day sponsorship recognition)
All-American Sponsor $1,800
(Includes 2 Golfers, cart, breakfast, dinner; sign at dinner, 1 tee sponsor, game day sponsorship recognition)
Game Day Sponsor $500
(Includes single game broadcast advertisement on Morris Sussex Sports Network,
game day sponsorship recognition, listing on CGC website, and sign at sponsored venue)
Tee/Green Sponsor $100
(Includes sign at sponsored venue)
Golf - $200/ per golfer
Includes 1 Golfer, cart, breakfast and dinner
Dinner Only $100
Includes dinner for 1 non-golfer
Friends of Morris Catholic Football
I can't attend but I would like to make a contribution to support the CGC and/or the Annual Golf Outing Fundraiser .
All are welcome, including Morris Catholic alumni, parents, friends, family and colleagues.
We greatly appreciate all business and family sponsorships, as well as direct cash contributions and donations to our dinner auction. In past years, individuals have donated sports memorabilia, game tickets, gift certificates and other
items in order to contribute to the success of our auction.
Every dollar raised at the outing will be used solely for the benefit of the MC Football Program.
Sponsorship Options: Register first below and then select sponsor button to donate.
Crusader Pride Outing Sponsor $3,200 Tee/Green Sponsor $100 |
All-American Sponsor $1,800 Golf $200 / per player |
Game Day Sponsor $500 Dinner Only $100 / per person |
Friends of Morris Catholic Football (Any donation accepted)

You may also print and fill-out the registration form (see link below) and mail it in with a sponsorship check.
Make checks payable to: Crusader Gridiron Club
Mail your check and the registration form to:
Sean Graham
68 Knollwood Avenue
Madison, NJ 07940
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either of the following:
Head Coach Rae Oliver, (973) 627-6674, [email protected]
Paul Minnefor '89, (973)615-3632, [email protected]
Sean Graham, (201) 736-1643, [email protected]
Make checks payable to: Crusader Gridiron Club
Mail your check and the registration form to:
Sean Graham
68 Knollwood Avenue
Madison, NJ 07940
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either of the following:
Head Coach Rae Oliver, (973) 627-6674, [email protected]
Paul Minnefor '89, (973)615-3632, [email protected]
Sean Graham, (201) 736-1643, [email protected]